It's unanimous -- everybody hates pimples! A pimple, if left untouched, will last two to three days. However, most of us just can't leave a pimple untouched -- we see one and we immediately start to pick, poke, prod and pop! Unfortunately, improperly squeezing a pimple (which most of us do) will almost guarantee it to last longer and look nastier. If you absolutely must pick and pop a pimple, read these next tips.
First, thoroughly cleanse your face. Warm water is fine. Wash and dry your face tenderly; rubbing your skin can make pimples worse -- you might accidentally pop the pimple and spread bacteria by rubbing your skin. You also don't want your skin irritated and red.
Make sure your hands and fingernails are very clean; wash them several times and use an antiseptic soap if you can. Sterile gloves are a good idea if you have them. Then, with an astringent that you like and a clean gauze, gently clean around the pimple to remove any dirt or microorganisms.
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Clean and sterilize the tip of a needle and prick the tip of the pimple with it. Hold sterile gauze pads next to the pimple and apply gentle pressure. Maintain this pressure until you see clear fluid or blood, a signal that you have removed all or most of the gunk. You finish by applying some healing ointment and then (most importantly) leaving it alone!
If the pimple is there, but not big enough yet to pop, you can try warm saltwater on a piece of gauze. Every few hours for a day or so, gently press the gauze to the pimple for about five minutes. The warm water will soften the pimple and the salt will help draw the fluid out of the pimple. After doing this several times, wash your face with warm water. Your pores will open and you will have an easier time popping.
You should never try to squeeze a zit that is not ready to be popped! You run the very real risk of further damage -- sometimes serious -- by pushing the bacteria deeper into the skin. Be sure that there is an actual pustule to be popped and if not, take the time to use the above method.
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Never, ever use your fingernails to squeeze a pimple. Your fingernails are not hygienic and even after a good scrubbing, there are still bacteria present. Any bacteria introduced into the pimple will cause a secondary infection, along with the accompanying inflammation and redness. In short, you will have a bigger mess than you started with!
If it is a very hard pimple or is one proving to be difficult to remove, STOP! Leave it alone. Trying to squeeze this type of pimple will only cause more problems. You may get some satisfaction, but chances are you will only leave plenty of stuff behind and the pushing, prodding and squeezing will definitely cause skin tissue damage.
The lesson here -- please, if you have a pimple, leave it alone. If you absolutely cannot stand it, then follow sanitary, safe procedures so it heals quickly and without scarring.